
Bioinformatics Journal Club

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Bioinformatics Journal Club

This a biweekly bioinformatics journal club espeically but not limited on genomics data modeling and analysis hosted by Imeprial Cardiovascular Genetics Group

Each time one would present and lead a discussion/learning on a bioinformatics paper (< 1hr).


Date Location Presenter Paper
May 8th 4pm ICTEM Room 324 Chulin EnhancerAtlas: a resource for enhancer annotation and analysis in 105 human cell/tissue types
June 5th 4pm ICTEM Room 324 Panda Introduction on using IC HPC including Anaconda package management and Jupyter notebook server
June 20th 4pm ICTEM Room 324 Xiao Neandertal Introgression Sheds Light on Modern Human Endocranial Globularity
July 4th 4pm ICTEM Room 324 Xiaolei Measuring intolerance to mutation in human genetics
Aug 1th 4pm ICTEM Room 324 Nick Li VarMap: a web tool for mapping genomic coordinates to protein sequence and structure and retrieving protein structural annotations